Monday, June 22, 2009



a. Its’ importance in old age period:

The word “vitamin” means an “essential element for life”. Vitamins and minerals are existent in many organs of the body and they are necessary for the perpetuation of the body functions.Since many of them cannot be produced in the human body, intake of them by foods is necessary. As a result of inadequate vitamin and mineral intake, some deficiencies in the functions of particular organs appear dependent on the defects in metabolism. Due to the reduction in energy requirement in the old age period, the intake of the vitamins and minerals assigned in the energy metabolism decreases. Thus, the required amounts should be provided from the foods.

The impacts of vitamins and minerals in old age:

• Forming resistance to diseases by strengthening the immune system
• The protection of the bone and teeth health and the prevention of osteoporosis.
• The protection of skin health
• Blood formation
• The prevention of hypertension
• The protection from diabetes.
• Reducing the blood cholesterol which may create risk for cardiovascular diseases.
• Protection from cardiovascular diseases.
• Strengthening the brain functions and preventing problems like forgetfulness, dementia and depression
• Strengthening of muscles

b. Sources of vitamin and minerals:

Vitamins and minerals are existent in vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat, fish, milk and dairy products. While vitamin B12 is merely existent in animal products like meat and meat products,
milk and egg, other Group B vitamins are existent in both vegetative foods and animal foods. The best source of vitamin D is sunlight. Osteoporosis, a disease which occurs as a result of vitamin D
deficiency is widely existent in individuals whose contact with sunlight is rare. The vitamin, mineral and some nutrient group types whose deficiency may create problems in elderly are stated in.

c. The vitamin and mineral requirements in old age period:

The vitamin and mineral requirements increase due to the reasons like reduction in the energy requirement, decrease in the body resistance, limitation of mobility, frequency rates of chronic
diseases. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies may cause deaths by affecting the progress and deepening the impact of the acute and chronic diseases. In situations where there is no health problem or limitation of food intake concerning the usage of vitamins and minerals,the requirements of vitamins and minerals with the exception of vitamin D, may be provided from the foods with a well-planned diet.

Since intake of excessive amounts of some vitamins and minerals like supplements may cause poisoning, vitamin and mineral (nutrients like tablets, syrups which are taken as supplements for
diet) should be taken by the recommendation of a dietician or doctor. This requirement should be satisfied by natural sources or foods unless compulsory usage of the diet supplements. In some studies, a positive effect or side-effect of vitamin supplements like vitamin-A (beta carotene) or vitamin E which are retardant with respect to frequency rates of cancers and cardiovascular diseases or deaths was not observed. Therefore, the providing of vitamins and minerals (with the exception of vitamin D) through a diet is more beneficial with respect to their



a. Its importance in old age:

• It is a source of energy. (1 g fat provides 9 calories)
• It provides for the intake and usage of the vitamins A, D, E and K which fat soluble.
• It is essential for the production of some hormones which ensure the functions of the body.
• When taken more than the necessary amount, it provides energy for the body after being stored.
• The omega 3 fatty acids reduce the risk of heart attacks and strengthen the immune system and protect people from depression.

b. Fat sources:

All vegetable or animal foods comprise less or more fats. The vegetables comprising the most fat amounts are as follows: olive, sunflower, hazelnut, pistachio nut, walnut, soy beans. Less fat is existent in the other cereal types, vegetables and fruit. Fats and fat tissues are existent in animal body and they are also existent in the composition of meat. This fatty part are not apparent. Fat is also existent in milk and yolk.

c. Fat requirements in old age:

Minimum 25% of the daily energy intake should be provided from fats. While the fats in the animal-origin nutrients can be produced in the human body with the exception of omega 3, the
fats in the vegetables cannot be produced and these fats must be provided with the nutrients in required amounts. If there are not any limitations caused by the diseases, the amount to be consumed as daily fat is 35-40 gr. It is appropriate that half of this amount is supplied from vegetative liquid oils and the other half from olive oil.

Since too much fat consumption may cause obesity, cancer and cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary to avoid excessive consumption. When oil is not added to meat-meals and the skins of the chicken and turkey meats are not eaten, the fat amount eaten as per the diet may be reduced.

consumption of solid fats like margarines and butter should be avoided in order to be protected from hypertension, high cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases. Especially margarines should not be used because of their detriments for health. Since there is fat in the natural composition of animal foods and some vegetable, the used of liquid vegetative oils and especially the olive oil when cooking is healthier.

The omega 3 oils which are existent in fish and sea products protect heart and vessel health in elderly by reducing the blood fats and accumulation of plates in vessels. Furthermore, they prevent inflammation in the joints and fat build up in especially the abdomen area and protect people from obesity.



a. Its’ importance in old age:

• It supplies the major amounts of the energy requirements of the body. (1 gr. carbohydrate provides 4 calories.)

• It prevents constipation by increasing the peristalsis of the intestine.

• It provides the maintenance of the brain functions.

When they are consume less than required or not used in thebody as in the diabetes, proteins and fats are used as energy sources. In this situation, the amount of substance which turns the blood acidic and the operation order of the body deteriorate.

b. Carbohydate sources:

It is generally found in vegetable foods. Vegetables comprise different amounts of carbohydrates on the basis of their types. Cereals comprise 60-90% carbohydrates. This amount is 10-20% in fruits, 18-20% in potatoes and sugar beet and 10% in other vegetables.

Carbohydrate needs in old age period:

Nearly 60% of the daily energy intake is supplied from the carbohydrates. Since proteins shall be used as energy sources when carbohydrates are taken in insufficient amounts, the complete satisfaction of the daily carbohydrate requirements is important.

However, carbohydrates consumed more than the necessary amount are turned into fat and cause obesity. The cereals and cereal products which contain most carbohydrate amounts supply the nutrient elements like protein, vitamins, minerals as well as vegetables and fruits. However, sugar and starch are just carbohydrates and they may lead to diabetes by increasing the blood sugar very quickly. Meanwhile they may cause obesity by being turned into fat. Because of these factors, the well-sugared and starchy nutrients should not be consumed excessively and cereals, cereal flours its brans are not separated, fruits and vegetables should be consumed as sources of carbohydrates.



Nutrition elements are the chemical substances which are existent in the composition of foods. After being eaten, foods are separate to nutrients in the digestive organs and they are used in the body in that form. For the growth, development and maintain healthy of their life, human beings need more than forty kinds of nutrient components. The nutrients which human beings need can be enumerated as follows:

1. Proteins
2. Fats
3. Carbohydrates
4. Vitamins and Minerals
5. Water


a. Its Importance in Old Age:

Protein is necessary for:

• Production of the body organs
• Restoration of cells
• Protection of the body from external effects
• Development of resistance to diseases by strengthening of the immune system
• Facilitating of recovery in conditions of fall, injury and fracture
• The protection and strengthening of muscle tissues

Protein provides energy for the body. One gram of protein provides 4 calories. Protein is used for energy when carbohydrates and fats are taken in small amounts. This is an undesirable situation
since protein cannot carry out its real functions when it is used as energy.

b. Protein Sources:

Protein is present in all animal and vegetative foods. However, these foods are different with respect to their protein amounts and qualities (the condition of usage in the body). The proteins provided by foods of animal origin like meat, meat products, egg, fish are of high quality whereas the protein from the vegetative foods is of low quality.

Since high proportion of fresh vegetables and fruits is water, protein amount consisted by them is small. Generally, fresh vegetables comprise 1-2% and fresh fruits 0,5-1% protein.

c.Protein requirements in old age:

Health problems like infection, surgical operations, injuries and fracture increase protein requirements. Furthermore, 1 gr. protein per 1kg. of body weight may satisfy the daily requirements when the immune system functions which decrease by aging are taken into consideration. With that respect, daily protein requirement of a person with 70 kg. is 70x1=70 gr.

In the situations like chronic kidney disease where the daily protein intake should be decreased, the daily requirements must be determined by the experts on the basis of the condition of the disease.



Nutrition plays an important role in the prevention, retardation and treatment of the diseases affiliated with aging. Adequate and balanced nutrition is important with respect to the perpetuation of the functional situation and protection from injuries.

Energy need in the elderly may increase due to the diseases, injuries and fractions. In these types of situations where energy need increases, inadequate nutrition may cause the malnutrition. Inadequate nutrition increases the frequency of the chronic diseases and the number of deaths caused by these diseases.

The nutrition conditions in the old age period are affected by the changes in the body, chronic diseases, and used medicines, physical, social or economic situation.

In normal conditions,adjustment to the changes which come into existence as a natural result of the aging process can be ensured by the protective measures like appropriate planning of nutrition to the requirements, regular physical exercise, and non-smoking.

However, in the existence of chronic diseases like hypertension, cardiovascular application, kidney disease, diabetes, application of special diets to these diseases is necessary.



The emotional, physical and biological changes which occur in the old age period are as follows:

1. Living alone.
2. Loss of mate.
3. Separation from family or friends.
4. Separation from work or home.
5. Physical handicap, difficulty in
6. Absence of associate persons or
7. Lack of income.
8. Dependency.
9. Social isolation.
10. Mental problems (depression or dementia)
11. Drug Usage

The above-stated reasons may give rise to the risk of inadequate nutrition by affecting the purchase, preparation, cooking and consumption of the foods by psychologically or physically influencing these phases (decline in the appetite for food, refusal of food)

Thursday, June 18, 2009



Changes in the functions of the organs in the body also occur in the old age period. The changes which may cause inadequate nutrition by affecting the nutritional conditions are as follows:

1. Decrease in the sense of taste and smell: With all the senses, a decrease in the sense of smell also occurs. Approximately, 25% of the individuals above the age of 65 are not able to define one or more than one of the four fundamental senses (hot, sweet, salty, sour) because of the decrease in the taste cells in the tongue and mouth space.The decrease in the sense of taste and smell may cause dislike of the consumed foods and may create risks for the nutritional condition due to decrease in appetite.

2. Decrease in the saliva secretion: The dry mouth which is a result of reduction in the saliva secretion affects the intake of food and complicates the swallowing of food. Dry mouth conditions may occur as a result of the treatment by medicines as well as being a result of aging.

3. Mouth and teeth problems: The decrease in the number of teeth and usage of dental prosthesis complicates the disintegration and chewing of some foods. The difficulty in chewing may be a barrier the intake of different nutritional elements.

4. Swallow difficulties: As a result of the decrease in the contraction ability of the esophagus, the swallowing of the chewed foods becomes complicated. This complication may reduce the appetite for food and the frequency of eating.

5. Decrease in the stomach functions: The decrease in the evacuation rate of the foods in the stomach may create a long-term satiety sense. This long-term satiety sense may create the risk of inadequate nutrition by causing the consumption of less food. With the decrease in the enzyme activity and quantity of the consumed food,the absorption of nutrients like calcium, iron,
vitamin B12 and folic acid decreases. This condition may cause to anemia.

6. Decrease in the functions of liver and gallbladder: As a result of the decrease in the biliary enzymes, a decrease occurs in the body activity of the fat soluble vitamins. The speed of the blood stream from the liver is decreases.

7. Decrease in the functions of intestine: As a result of the changes in the small intestine, the utilization of nutrients in the body decreases.

8. Decrease in the functions of immune system: The multiplication of the immunity cells slow down and the body resistance to the infections decreases. As a result of the deficiencies in the immune system in the old age, frequency of upper respiration infections, other infections and cancer and the number of deaths caused by these diseases increases.

9. Decrease in the functions of nervous system: As a result of the loss in the nerve cells, a decrease in the information storage and remembrance abilities occurs. Dementia and depression
are the most prevalent symptoms. These changes hinder the intake of food.

10. Energy metabolism:
The rate of basal metabolism slow
down. Total energy consumption
and the calorie requirement



“Old age is a privilege, social success and challenge.”

Old age is a process which starts from the prenatal period and continues until the end of life. These are the changes of anatomic structure and physiological functions which take place dependent
on time.

World Health Organization (WHO) defines people of age 65 and above as “old age”. According to the progress of the old age and changes in body functions; people between the age group 65–74 are classified as “young olds”, 75–84 age group as “olds” and the group of age 85 and above is classified as “oldest old”.


Within the normal aging period, some changes concerning the body structure, organs and functions of the organs take place dependent on time. Apart from this, life style changes, some of which occur as a result of the changes in body structures and functions and some of which take place on emanation from the environmental factors take place.

For instance, being alone as a result of the death of one of the mates, decrease in social relations, economic deficiencies can be stated as an example for the above-stated condition. These changes may cause inadequate nutrition by affecting the nutrition condition negatively.


The Physical Changes Which Occur in Old Age Period Are As Follows:

Body Weight: Generally, body weight begins to decrease after the age of 60. Especially the decrease in the weight becomes clear after the age of 80.

Body Composition: Some changes are observed in the body composition in line with aging. The amount of lean body tissue is decreases and the amount of fat tissue is increases. After the age
of 80 and later, the speed of reduction in the fatless tissues increases.

The amount of lean body tissue in the women is less than the men.The decrease in the amount of lean body tissue masses affects walking and balance by causing decrease in the amount of muscles and their strength. This factor increases the risk of falling and fracture.

Skeleton Sy stem:

Decrease in the amount of calcium within the bones occurs in the old age. Women lose 40% of the
total skeleton calcium in the old age period. Half of this loss occurs in the first five years after
the menopausal period. This loss continues with a slowing rate. Furthermore, activity is reduced due to the limitations and decrease in the flexibility of the joints. This effect may create the risk of obesity due to the difficulties in access to food and limitations of physical activity.

Water Metabolism:

Water percentage in the body decreases from 60% to 50%. Dependent upon the decrease in the feeling of thirst, water intake decreases. However, water loss from the body is more. Unless the water loss is compensated by the consumption of water and other drinks serious health problems may occur.



A hygienic food is clean and not contain any harmful substance. The foods that are sold at outside are not clean and may be contaminated. Therefore,

Do not buy foods that are sold at outside.
Food should have the production permission. Always read the “use by” date of the foods at the label. If the “use by” date passed do not buy that food.

If the foods are not kept in good conditions it can be spoiled, nutrients losses can occur and threaten our health.

Do not forgot foods such as milk, meat and egg on the kitchen counter and keep them into the
fridge immediately.

Do not put your foods on to warm places such as radiators.

Do not forget to put foods like egg, milk, yogurt and cooked foods in to fridge and do not keep them more than two hours in the room temperature.

Do not prepare uncooked and cooked foods together. In this way we can prevent contamination
of bacteria from uncooked foods to cooked foods.

Wash your vegetable and fruit for a long time in water.

Be sure that your meal has cooked well.
High temperature kills bacteria easily.
Don’t leave foods which you cannot eat any more than two hours on the table and put them into fridge.

Do not keep the door of the fridge open for a long time.

If you have meal at the school be sure that your plate, fork and cup would be

How to Wash Our Hands Properly?

The Rules to Provide Personal Hygiene

Before preparing and consuming foods , wash your hands properly.

How to Wash Our Hands Properly?

1- Wash your hands as clean and hot water as it is.
2- Wash your ankle and finger tip by soap completely.
3- Wash inside part of your hands minimum 20 seconds.
4- Purify your hands under water.
5- Dry your hands by clean towel.

After washing your hands do not dry your hands on your clothes!!!!!
Because bacteria on your clothes may contaminate your clean hands.

Wash your hands:
- when return to home
- before and after meal
- after lavatory
- after touching our nose and after coughing and sneezing
- after playing mucking and chunk
- after touching money
- after touching animals like cat and dogs.
To provide personal hygiene it is important to have clean body and teeth.
You should have a shower at least twice a week and brush your teeth three times a day.

We should have shower at least twice a week and brush our teeth three times a day.

What Should We Do In Case of a Food Poisoning?

What Should We Do In Case of a Food Poisoning?

The symptoms of the food poisoning are the stomachache, vomiting, diarrhoea. In such cases it is
wrong not to eat anything to stop vomiting and diarrhoea.
To control the diarrhoea;

- Consume more clean drinking water, beverages such as ayran (diluted yogurt with salt),
fresh apple juice,
- Eat yogurt, rice, boiled
- And rest.

If you suspect that if a food is contaminated you should never taste and eat that food. Do not
forget: The bacteria cause sypmtoms like stomach ache, diarrhoea, vomiting. Contaminated food can not be seen by naked eye and they do not smell different.

What Should You Do To Protect Yourself From Food Poisoning?

You should be careful about personal, food and utensil hygiene .

Personal Hygiene

As we mentioned, the most important agent that contaminate foods is human. You should be careful for your personel hygiene.

What Happens If The Bacteria Contaminated Foods?

What Happens If The Bacteria Contaminated Foods?

The pathogen bacteria contaminate the foods and spoiled them.

Some of bacteria that make “spore” and become stronger in inappropriate environment. We become sick after eating a food which is contaminated by bacteria or their spores and then some stomach ache begins.

Inform your teachers and parents if you think that you poisoned by a contaminated food.

How Bacteria Contaminate the Foods?

How Bacteria Contaminate the Foods?

Before consuming foods some harmful substances can contaminate them and so the foods would be polluted. Bacteria have to need an agent to contaminate foods. Those agents are particularly human and animals.

Beside, dust, chunk, insects, rodents and other animals, garbage, dirty objects and surfaces,
garments are the other agents that contaminate the food.

Human is the main source of many harmful bacteria especially human’s;

- skin that injured or sored,
- hair, facial hair and clothes,
- snot and saliva,
- dirty hands.

Bacteria can contaminate the foods by the way known as the “cross contamination ”. Throughout “cross contamination” bacteria can contaminate foods as follows:

dirty kitchen utentils, dirty hands,
cutting boards,
kitchen worktables,
coughing, sneezing and sputum



Bacteria are microscopic organisms that can not be seen by naked eye. They can survive everywhere like on skin, hairs and nails. Most of bacteria may not harmful for us. However
pathogenic bacteria having potential hazard on our health.

Pathogenic bacteria are harmful. Those threaten effects our health through increasing in numbers at warm and moist environment.

Bacteria are so small organisms that only 2000 of them could be seen as pinhead. At the appropriate environment, bacteria could increase in numbers, within 7 hours it might be steeply increase to 2 million and within 12 hours it might be increase to 1 billion.

Bacteria can increase in numbers very fast at room temperature. Therefore, you should put your prepared foods, for consuming at school, into fridges quickly. Do not leave them on the table.

Bacteria can not move on their own. They need agents to contaminate the foods.

The contamination of bacteria to foods is more easier than home in places such as outside home, refectory, canteens and cafeterias.



Safe foods can be described as uncontaminated, and healthy foods.

Food can be polluted and contaminated by lots of ways. This contaminated food might be threaten our health. Therefore, let’s look at how those foods pollute, contaminated and threaten our health.


It is important for us to comply with the rules of cleanliness and hygiene at all stages from purchasing to consuming to prevent the pollution of the foods.

Cleanliness is removing the visible dirt from the food and the surfaces that contacts with food.

Hygiene is protecting the healthy e n v i r o nme n t from anything t hat causes illness.


Substances that shouldn’t be in foods, causes to pollution of foods.
Three factors as mentioned below causes the pollution;

1. Physical Pollution

Those are harmful substances such as hair, fly, gloss etc.

2. Chemical Pollution

Those are like agricultural stuff, detergents on the plate, fork etc. and plastics on the foods.

3. Biological Pollution

Those are mainly bacteria that cause food poisoning and illness.



Foods can be divided in to two groups accordig to their sources:

1- Animal origin foods: Milk, egg,cheese, meat, chicken, fish etc.

2- Vegetable origin foods: fruits, vegetables, rice, lentil, haricot, bean etc.

There are nutritious substances in each of those foods for your body. These materials are called nutrients. Nutrients are proteins, carbohydrate, fats, vitamins, minerals and water. The omposition of the body is those mentioned. We must eat these nutrients daily to keep on our organs working properly and making daily things to do well. The amount of food is also effects our health. Therefore, we should really be careful about the kind of quantity and safety food consumed daily.