Changes in the functions of the organs in the body also occur in the old age period. The changes which may cause inadequate nutrition by affecting the nutritional conditions are as follows:
1. Decrease in the sense of taste and smell: With all the senses, a decrease in the sense of smell also occurs. Approximately, 25% of the individuals above the age of 65 are not able to define one or more than one of the four fundamental senses (hot, sweet, salty, sour) because of the decrease in the taste cells in the tongue and mouth space.The decrease in the sense of taste and smell may cause dislike of the consumed foods and may create risks for the nutritional condition due to decrease in appetite.
2. Decrease in the saliva secretion: The dry mouth which is a result of reduction in the saliva secretion affects the intake of food and complicates the swallowing of food. Dry mouth conditions may occur as a result of the treatment by medicines as well as being a result of aging.
3. Mouth and teeth problems: The decrease in the number of teeth and usage of dental prosthesis complicates the disintegration and chewing of some foods. The difficulty in chewing may be a barrier the intake of different nutritional elements.
4. Swallow difficulties: As a result of the decrease in the contraction ability of the esophagus, the swallowing of the chewed foods becomes complicated. This complication may reduce the appetite for food and the frequency of eating.
5. Decrease in the stomach functions: The decrease in the evacuation rate of the foods in the stomach may create a long-term satiety sense. This long-term satiety sense may create the risk of inadequate nutrition by causing the consumption of less food. With the decrease in the enzyme activity and quantity of the consumed food,the absorption of nutrients like calcium, iron,
vitamin B12 and folic acid decreases. This condition may cause to anemia.
6. Decrease in the functions of liver and gallbladder: As a result of the decrease in the biliary enzymes, a decrease occurs in the body activity of the fat soluble vitamins. The speed of the blood stream from the liver is decreases.
7. Decrease in the functions of intestine: As a result of the changes in the small intestine, the utilization of nutrients in the body decreases.
8. Decrease in the functions of immune system: The multiplication of the immunity cells slow down and the body resistance to the infections decreases. As a result of the deficiencies in the immune system in the old age, frequency of upper respiration infections, other infections and cancer and the number of deaths caused by these diseases increases.
9. Decrease in the functions of nervous system: As a result of the loss in the nerve cells, a decrease in the information storage and remembrance abilities occurs. Dementia and depression
are the most prevalent symptoms. These changes hinder the intake of food.
10. Energy metabolism:
The rate of basal metabolism slow
down. Total energy consumption
and the calorie requirement
Changes in the functions of the organs in the body also occur in the old age period. The changes which may cause inadequate nutrition by affecting the nutritional conditions are as follows:
1. Decrease in the sense of taste and smell: With all the senses, a decrease in the sense of smell also occurs. Approximately, 25% of the individuals above the age of 65 are not able to define one or more than one of the four fundamental senses (hot, sweet, salty, sour) because of the decrease in the taste cells in the tongue and mouth space.The decrease in the sense of taste and smell may cause dislike of the consumed foods and may create risks for the nutritional condition due to decrease in appetite.
2. Decrease in the saliva secretion: The dry mouth which is a result of reduction in the saliva secretion affects the intake of food and complicates the swallowing of food. Dry mouth conditions may occur as a result of the treatment by medicines as well as being a result of aging.
3. Mouth and teeth problems: The decrease in the number of teeth and usage of dental prosthesis complicates the disintegration and chewing of some foods. The difficulty in chewing may be a barrier the intake of different nutritional elements.
4. Swallow difficulties: As a result of the decrease in the contraction ability of the esophagus, the swallowing of the chewed foods becomes complicated. This complication may reduce the appetite for food and the frequency of eating.
5. Decrease in the stomach functions: The decrease in the evacuation rate of the foods in the stomach may create a long-term satiety sense. This long-term satiety sense may create the risk of inadequate nutrition by causing the consumption of less food. With the decrease in the enzyme activity and quantity of the consumed food,the absorption of nutrients like calcium, iron,
vitamin B12 and folic acid decreases. This condition may cause to anemia.
6. Decrease in the functions of liver and gallbladder: As a result of the decrease in the biliary enzymes, a decrease occurs in the body activity of the fat soluble vitamins. The speed of the blood stream from the liver is decreases.
7. Decrease in the functions of intestine: As a result of the changes in the small intestine, the utilization of nutrients in the body decreases.
8. Decrease in the functions of immune system: The multiplication of the immunity cells slow down and the body resistance to the infections decreases. As a result of the deficiencies in the immune system in the old age, frequency of upper respiration infections, other infections and cancer and the number of deaths caused by these diseases increases.
9. Decrease in the functions of nervous system: As a result of the loss in the nerve cells, a decrease in the information storage and remembrance abilities occurs. Dementia and depression
are the most prevalent symptoms. These changes hinder the intake of food.
10. Energy metabolism:
The rate of basal metabolism slow
down. Total energy consumption
and the calorie requirement
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